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Comprehensive Google Training Bootcamp for University of Tabuk’s IL Department Educators


Teacher Trainer, Steve Hatting, at the training venue setting up before commencing a session

Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Steve Hatting, in collaboration with the Professional Development Unit of the University of Tabuk, is thrilled to announce an intensive 12-hour training marathon led by the renowned teacher trainer, Steven Hatting. This special event, dedicated exclusively to faculty members of the University’s International Languages (IL) Department, aims to empower educators with the latest tools and technologies to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

The event will take place over a period of 3 days (June 18-20), at the University of Tabuk’s state-of-the-art campus which welcomes faculty members from various units within the IL Department, including the Curriculum Unit, Professional Development Unit, Assessment Unit, and representatives from Quality Education Company. Around 20 educators are expected to participate in this hands-on training session.

Steve Hatting, a respected authority in the field of educational technology, will guide the participants through an in-depth exploration of Google's vast suite of tools and resources tailored for educators. The training will be structured into five sessions ranging in 2-3 hour duration that will cover various topics such as:

  • Online Classroom Management and Student Showcase
  • Collaborative Lesson Planning and Student Assessment
  • Organizing and Managing Educational Resources and Activities
  • Communication and Collaboration in the Digital Classroom
  • Exploration and Research in the Digital World
  • Maximizing Productivity with Google Chrome Extensions

This event underlines the University of Tabuk’s IL department's commitment to excellence in education and reflects its ongoing efforts to foster a culture of innovation and lifelong learning among its educators.

About University of Tabuk: The University of Tabuk is a leading institution of higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is committed to advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and preparing future leaders through high-quality education and research.

About Google: Google is a global technology company that specializes in internet-related services and products. Google for Education offers tools, programs, and training designed to help educators and students thrive in the evolving landscape of education.


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