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Teacher Training @ Meridian International School

From June 7th to June 18, I had the privilege of co-hosting several new and potential teachers for the purpose of training them up. There were a total of 3 sessions per day with one of them being a practical application 45 minute session. Participants were learned and applied several techniques both unique to language teaching as well as for other subjects such as mathematics, biology, and chemistry.

During the first week, topics included general classroom management skills like classroom discipline, giving instructions, and interaction patterns as well as a session of how to use inquiry-based learning in teaching.

During the second week, another teacher trainer, Svitlana Bulkina, joined us to deliver trainings mainly dealing with lesson planning and the importance of learner-centeredness in teaching. Participants had more practice as several actually had to teach a lesson or portion of a lesson in front of other participants were they received constructive criticism on what they did well and what they could do to improve in the future.


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